
We currently do not have a store front and we have decided against an e-commerce site. We offer specialized services along with the regular assortment of new and used firearms, ammunition and accessories. This site will end up being a source of information about firearms, reloading, modifications and general advice. If you choose to buy the products from us, we would appreciate it.

Please contact us to sign up for a Canadian Firearms Safety Course or Hunting course. Keep an eye on the site for future course dates.

The best way to get a hold of us is through our email: sales@rougeriverarms.com


Axor Arms Folding Magazine-fed Pump Shotgun (FMP)

The FMP is available with 5 and 10 round box magazines, and 20 and 30 round drum magazines. Included is…

Ruger PC9 9mm 18.6″ Barrel (19133)

Pictured is the 16" Barrel model, the Canadian model has an 18.6"barrel. $1,025 Plus tax. mailto:sales@rougeriverarms.com

Marlin Classic 1894 357 Mag/38 SPL

See here for details $1,579 Plus tax. mailto:sales@rougeriverarms.com

Kriss Vector 6.5″ Barrel 9mm (Restricted)

$$SOLD$$ Plus Tax. mailto:sales@rougeriverarms.com